«Thunderstorm» in Moscow again! On the 9th of September at 19.00 as part of the celebration of the City Day in the House of Culture of the VDNKh there will be a performance of the theatrical performance “Thunderstorm – habitat” based on the play by A. Ostrovsky. The director of the play is the teacher of «Inclusion.School.Moscow» and of RATI-GITIS Mikhail Feiguin (активная ссылка http://inclusioncenter.ru/2018/04/25/fejgin-mihail-leonidovich-2/). In the play 11 inclusive students of the school are involved, as well as professional actors and musicians. When working with Ostrovsky’s play «Thunderstorm», the director and the sign language interpreters adapted the text specifically for deaf and deaf and blind students, which allowed using the sign language in the production of the play and included one of the main categories of students «Inclusion. School.Moscow» in the work process.
Admission is free, by prior registration.
Venue: House of Culture VDNH, 84.

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